NEW: Sacred Stones for Spiritual Seekers ✨ Harness the Power of Crystals for Your Spiritual Awakening

From Corporate

Welcome to this space, created with love and intention, where I offer insights, lessons, and stories to support women navigating the intersection of corporate life and spiritual awakening. 

kristina bentle human design projector

To the souls seeking a deeper purpose and connection beyond the ordinary—if you’ve ever felt misunderstood, too sensitive, or disconnected from the world around you, welcome.

unlock you souls gifts


Are you a woman ready to break free from the corporate grind and step into a more purposeful, spiritually awakened life? My programs are designed to support you in aligning your mind, body, and spirit as you transition into a life of fulfillment, clarity, and growth.

Am I a Wanderer?

A Wanderer is a soul who volunteered to come to this planet to help raise the vibrational frequency to help ease the collective suffering. Wanderers feel a deep sense of being different from others, often experiencing an innate feeling of disconnection from the world or a sense of not quite belonging. 

wanderers journey to spiritual awakening
wanderers journey


Explore tools and scientific insights to guide your healing and spiritual journey. Learn more about aligning your body, mind, and spirit.
