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Trauma and a Blocked Root Chakra Held Me Back from my Spiritual Awakening

My spiritual growth journey began over a decade ago when I first stumbled into Buddhism, looking for something—anything—to help me survive the weight of my grief. At the time, I didn’t realize how much the path I was about to embark on would twist and turn, revealing not just light but also the heavy shadows […]

Why Your Pain Deserves to Be Acknowledged in the Healing Process

In this human existence, pain is inevitable because it’s what helps us grow and learn. Yet, many of us can get stuck in the pain. Then, we fail to move forward because it becomes too much to bear. I started writing and sharing my story because I felt profoundly alone in this world. As someone […]

When We Can’t Find Our Place in This World

As Wanderers, it’s easy to feel isolated, alienated, and deeply alone on a planet that vibrates so far from the frequency of our soul. How do we find a place in a world that feels like it wasn’t built for us? How do we continue choosing to stay when every part of us longs to […]

7 Common Phrases That Promote Toxic Positivity & What to Say Instead

As I’ve learned to heal from trauma, toxic positivity is one of the things I steer clear of most. Unfortunately, it’s become deeply ingrained in our culture, and it can be easy to miss if you are not in tune. Toxic positivity is essentially the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation […]

Acknowledging Privilege in Healing: Every Journey is Different

I’ll be honest: there’s still a part of me that flares up with frustration and resentment when I listen to influencers, spiritual mentors, or self-help experts share their tales of “overcoming hardship”—stories that make it clear they come from backgrounds of privilege. You know the type: the well-known self-help guru who spent time in India […]