Looking Back to Look Forward

It was October 2021 when I first visited the Cleveland Clinic. After a year of struggling, I finally found a doctor who could help me understand why my body was shutting down. At just 37, I was dying, and no one had answers. By then, my medical chart was already overflowing with diagnoses: Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, […]
What if I’m not Meant to be a Leader?

I was debating about whether or not to share this part of my journey. But I’ve learned that these little “aha” moments can be valuable for others, too. So, I’m sharing this for myself and for the person who may need to hear this, too. For 20 years, I climbed the corporate marketing ladder. As […]
Why Leaving Social Media Feels Like Losing Myself

As I type this, I have over 100,000 combined followers on my social media channels. My ego clings to this, while my introverted nature loathes it. So, how did I get here? And why does leaving social media behind feel so hard? I began my career in marketing over twenty years ago. As a child […]
The Definitive Answer to the Question: Are we Alone?

Are we truly alone in the universe? It’s a question that has captivated humanity for generations. But perhaps the more profound question is, “What limitations might exist that keep us from comprehending and openly accepting a greater truth?” That’s the question I think we should be asking. I believe the answers are often simpler than […]
Opening up to Spirit after Trauma Healing

Trauma creates spiritual disassociation. Yet, when we aren’t aware of it, we keep trying to force our spiritual gifts and connection. I did for over a decade. My experience creating a deeper spiritual connection happened by accident, really. I was focused on my physical health because my body was literally dying. At the time, I […]