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When Your Intuition Warns You About Being Mis-Aligned with a Spiritual Teacher

spiritually misaligned guide

Have you ever felt that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach when working with a spiritual teacher? Maybe something just didn’t sit right, even though you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. I’ve been there.

You’re not alone.

Trusting our intuition is crucial, especially when it comes to spiritual guidance. It can be difficult at the beginning of your journey—it was for me, too. Our inner knowing often picks up on subtle cues our logical mind can miss. When we have trauma, we may even purposely try to shove down these doubts.

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, it’s easy to miss the subtle signals that point us toward the truth. Ignoring these intuitive nudges, however, can sometimes lead to difficult lessons or even serious consequences.


I’ve had my fair share of these moments while searching for a spiritual teacher. Early in my journey, I came across a teacher who appeared knowledgeable and offered valuable insights. On the surface, everything seemed right, but deep down, something felt off. I couldn’t explain it or put it into words—I just felt it.

Understanding Chakras Help You Find the Right Teacher

As I continued learning about chakras and energy balance, I began to question whether this teacher was truly balanced enough to guide me. None of what I share here is meant as judgment—these were observations that emerged as part of my intuitive process. I share this because, too often, we dismiss our intuition, and I want to give you insight into what was going through my mind as I evaluated the situation.

This teacher was physically unhealthy, visibly overweight, and often short-tempered or curt in our interactions. I’ve since come to understand that these can be signs of imbalances in the lower three chakras, which are crucial for grounding and spiritual evolution. When the lower chakras are out of alignment, they can block the flow to higher centers, limiting overall spiritual growth.

While I did find some value in her guidance, I couldn’t shake the feeling that her teachings lacked depth. Having spent a lot of time studying healing myself, I often found her messages rooted in fear, which conflicted with what I’d come to understand. It seemed her own misalignment was influencing the quality of what she could offer me, and that disconnect left me searching for something more aligned with my own path.

Eventually, I decided to stop working with her because I realized that her lessons, rooted in her own imbalances, might not serve my highest good. This experience taught me the importance of listening to my intuition, especially when choosing a spiritual teacher. It’s not about judging someone else’s journey but understanding how their alignment—or misalignment—can impact their guidance. As we navigate our spiritual paths, learning to trust these inner warnings is essential for finding the right teacher who aligns with our journey.

The Importance of Trusting Your Intuition

When it comes to spiritual growth, finding the right teacher can make all the difference. A teacher acts as a guide, helping you navigate the intricacies of your inner world while supporting your journey toward higher consciousness.


Throughout your life, you’ll encounter many teachers, sometimes even learning from several at once. However, not all teachers will align with your unique path or needs. This is where your intuition becomes your greatest ally, helping you discern which guidance truly resonates with your soul’s journey.

Remember, just because a teacher is fitting for someone else doesn’t mean they are for you, and vice versa.

Why Intuition Matters in Spiritual Guidance

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling, an inner knowing that doesn’t rely on logic or reason. That quiet voice nudges you when something isn’t quite right, even if you can’t immediately explain why. In spiritual learning, intuition acts as a compass, guiding you toward what resonates with your true self and away from what might lead you astray.

When encountering a spiritual teacher, your intuition picks up on subtle cues such as body language, tone of voice, energy, and even physical appearance, which can signal whether this person truly aligns with the wisdom they claim to offer.

If a teacher’s energy feels off or their words don’t match their actions, your intuition will likely alert you to these inconsistencies. Don’t ignore these signals—they are helping you to understand that this dynamic might not be in your best interest, potentially hindering your spiritual growth.

With this being said, you will likely go through the process (as I did) of working with a teacher who could set you back. This is all part of the spiritual growth journey because the pain experienced in those situations becomes a catalyst to help us learn how to stop repeating the habits that keep us stuck. If you’ve experienced the pain of working with someone who caused you pain, work through self-compassion and realize it’s a lesson in guiding you to more wisdom.

The Risk of Ignoring Intuition

As you progress in your journey, it becomes increasingly important to listen to your intuition. In the beginning, you will likely doubt and deny your intuition, leading to pain and suffering, which is a necessary part of the learning process. The key is to understand where you’ve been ignoring your intuition and have been led astray so that you can deepen your trust in it.


Trusting your intuition is not about dismissing the teachings of others or judging them harshly. It’s about being discerning and ensuring that the guidance you receive aligns with your higher self.

Your intuition is there to protect you, guide you, and keep you on the most beneficial path for your growth. By learning to listen to it and act on its wisdom, you empower yourself to choose teachers and teachings that truly support your spiritual evolution.

Signs Your Intuition Uses to Warn You

Recognizing when a spiritual teacher is misaligned with your path can be challenging, especially when you’re eager to learn and grow. However, there are specific signs that your intuition may pick up on, signaling that something isn’t quite right.

By paying attention to these signals, you can protect yourself from potentially misleading guidance and ensure that you follow a path that truly resonates with your soul.

1. Physical Health and Appearance

I have been hesitant to include this because, as human beings, we tend to use it for judgment. However, I decided it’s key because I want to teach you how to use this aspect of your intuition to discern.

Our external state is a direct reflection of our internal state. It’s not about judging others, and I can’t reiterate this enough; it’s about love, compassion, and understanding. I’m not suggesting that you assess someone’s worth as a teacher based on their appearance. I mean to say that our intuition can quickly pick up on things, and physical health and appearance play a part in this for a reason.

Have you ever looked into the eyes of an older person, and you can see the light? You see the vitality of their physical form even though they have aged. This is not about vain beauty but spiritual alignment in the physical form.


I followed a personal growth teacher for several years online; I loved the knowledge she shared, yet something always felt off deep down. She was teaching about a combination of health and business. I couldn’t put it into words, but part of me felt I should reconsider following her—my intuition was correct. I found out last year that she was an alcoholic, and she wound up in prison for taking the life of someone while drinking and driving.

Our intuition is always guiding us; we just need to listen.

If a teacher appears to be physically unhealthy, overweight, or struggling with chronic illness, it might be a sign of an imbalance in their Root Chakra. However, it’s important to approach this observation with empathy and understanding—it could also be tied to a pre-incarnative choice or life lesson, so it’s not a definitive rule. I mention this as a way to encourage you to listen to your intuition when evaluating your own experiences. The Root Chakra is deeply connected to our sense of security, stability, and grounding in the physical world. If it’s misaligned, it could influence how a teacher connects with and conveys practical wisdom, but it’s always essential to assess the bigger picture with compassion.

Your intuition might sense that the lessons they offer could be rooted in unresolved issues or imbalances that could limit the depth and effectiveness of their guidance.

2. Emotional Behavior and Interactions

Another key indicator that your intuition might pick up on is the emotional behavior of a spiritual teacher. If you notice that a teacher is frequently short-tempered, curt, or emotionally reactive, this could be a sign of imbalances in the Sacral or Solar Plexus Chakras.

These chakras govern emotions, creativity, and personal power. A teacher who struggles with emotional regulation may find it challenging to provide clear, compassionate, and empowering guidance. Your intuition might warn you that their emotional state could negatively impact the quality of their teachings, leading to inconsistent or lacking in-depth advice.

Energetic Presence and Consistency

Your intuition is also finely attuned to a teacher’s presence. This includes their overall vibe, the energy they project, and whether they are consistent in their teachings and behavior. If a teacher feels scattered, inconsistent, or chaotic, it might be a sign that they must be more fully aligned with the spiritual truths they are teaching.

This misalignment can create confusion and mistrust, making it difficult for you to engage with and benefit from their guidance fully. Your intuition might alert you to these inconsistencies, prompting you to question whether this teacher fits your journey.

3. Gut Feelings and Inner Signals

Sometimes, the signs aren’t; all you have to go on is a vague gut feeling. You might not be able to pinpoint exactly what something just feels off. This is your intuition speaking to you in its most subtle form.


It’s important to honor these feelings, even if you can’t explain them. Often, your intuition picks up on energetic or spiritual misalignments that aren’t immediately visible. Trusting these inner signals can save you from following a path that doesn’t fit for you.

4. Discrepancies Between Words and Actions

Finally, pay attention to discrepancies between what a teacher says and what they do. A teacher who preaches love and compassion but behaves in a harsh or dismissive way is not in alignment with their teachings. These discrepancies are red flags your intuition will likely pick up on. If you notice such contradictions, it’s worth a step back and reconsidering whether this teacher truly embodies the principles they claim to teach.

How to Trust and Strengthen Your Intuition to Find the Right Spiritual Teacher

The first step is to recognize the signs that a spiritual teacher may not be aligned with your path. The next, and perhaps most crucial, step is learning to trust and strengthen your intuition to make decisions that support your spiritual growth confidently. Trusting your intuition involves listening to those inner nudges and cultivating a deeper connection with your inner self.

Here’s how to strengthen your intuition and ensure you’re always aligned with your highest good.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for strengthening your intuition. Regularly practicing mindfulness can cultivate a deeper awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, all of which are channels through which your intuition communicates.

Meditation, especially practices that focus on quieting the mind, allows you to tune into your inner voice without the distractions of external noise or mental chatter. As you develop a regular meditation practice, you’ll find that your intuition becomes clearer and more distinct, helping you to recognize when something isn’t right.

Keep a Journal of Intuitive Hits

Another effective way to strengthen your intuition is by journaling your intuitive hits—when you get a gut feeling or a sudden insight that later proves accurate.


Writing these experiences down helps you to track patterns in your intuition and build trust in your inner guidance over time. As you review your journal, you’ll see how often your intuition was right, reinforcing your confidence in trusting it.

Listen to Your Body’s Signals

Your body is a powerful messenger of intuitive information. Pay attention to how your body reacts around a spiritual teacher or engaging with their teachings. Do you feel tense, uneasy, or drained? Or do you feel relaxed, energized, and at peace?

These physical reactions are often your intuition’s way of communicating with you. By listening to your body’s signals, you can gain valuable insights into whether a situation or person is aligned with your spiritual path.

Seek Validation from Your Higher Self

When faced with doubts or uncertainties, seeking validation from your higher self can be helpful. This involves connecting with the part of you that is deeply aligned with your soul’s purpose and spiritual truth.

One way to do this is through guided visualization or meditative practices that help you connect with your higher self. Ask for clarity and guidance, and trust the insights that come to you during these moments of connection. Your higher self will always guide you toward what is best for your growth and well-being.

Trust the Process and Let Go of Doubt

Trusting your intuition also means letting go of doubt and second-guessing. It’s natural to want to rationalize or question your intuitive feelings, especially when they conflict with what seems logical or socially acceptable. However, doubt can cloud your inner knowing and lead you astray.


Practice trusting the process, even if you don’t fully understand it. Remember that your intuition is there to guide and protect you, and by following it, you’re aligning yourself with your highest good.

Trusting Your Intuition to Find the Right Spiritual Teacher

Your spiritual journey is one of your life’s most personal and profound experiences. Along the way, you’ll encounter various teachers and teachings that offer guidance and support. However, not every teacher will be aligned with your unique path, and that’s where your intuition becomes your most powerful ally.

By trusting your intuition, you empower yourself to discern which spiritual teachers resonate with your higher self and which ones might lead you astray. It’s not about judging others but about protecting your spiritual integrity and ensuring that the guidance you follow aligns with your soul’s purpose.

Remember, your intuition always works in your favor, guiding you toward what’s best for your growth and well-being. Whether it’s a gut feeling, a subtle bodily reaction, or a sense of unease, these signals help you navigate your spiritual journey with wisdom and clarity.

Continue cultivating your intuition through mindfulness, meditation, and self-awareness as you continue on your path. Trust that you have the inner wisdom to recognize when a teacher is right for you—and when it’s time to seek guidance elsewhere. Honoring your intuition ensures your spiritual journey is one of true alignment, growth, and love.

Let this remind you that your spiritual path is sacred, and it’s up to you to protect it by choosing the teachers who align with your highest good.

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