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Wanderers come from higher vibrational realms, which means our energetic frequencies can be much higher than Earth’s lower frequencies. This mismatch can cause physical and energetic disruptions as the body struggles to adjust to denser, slower vibrations which can lead to issues like chronic pain and fatigue.
The heightened sensitivity of Wanderers makes us more susceptible to energy overload. Negativity and lower vibrations of Earth can overwhelm the body’s energy system. This can lead to overstimulating the nervous system and causing symptoms like anxiety, stress, and physical discomfort.
The body can struggle to integrate the higher vibrational energy of a Wanderer, leading to energetic blockages. Often, Wanderers struggle to cope with heightened sensitivity and trauma and it leads to blockages. These blockages can manifest as physical ailments such as joint pain, headaches, digestive issues, or even immune system dysfunction.
If you’re new to these concepts, you might be thinking, “This all sounds a little too out there. Is this just spiritual woo-woo, or is there any actual science to back this up?” It’s totally understandable to feel skeptical. I was the same way for a long time.
After all, much of the information about Wanderers, energetic sensitivity, and vibrational frequencies isn’t something we’re taught in mainstream science or healthcare.
But here’s the thing: the mind-body connection, the effects of energy on the body, and the importance of vibrational frequencies are not just spiritual concepts—they are becoming increasingly validated by modern science.
Body, Energy, and Wellness
Every cell in our body generates electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These fields play a critical role in cellular communication, energy flow, and overall health….
The human body generates electricity that flows through it, creating its own magnetic fields. Every cell in our body produces electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which play a crucial role in cellular communication, energy flow, and overall health.
In fact, the heart and brain both generate strong EMFs that can be measured by modern science. The heart’s electromagnetic field is estimated to be 60 times stronger than the brain’s, and it extends several feet beyond the body.
These EMFs interact with external energy fields, such as those from other people, electronics, and the Earth. When these external energies are out of sync with the body’s natural frequency, it can cause disruptions. For Wanderers, who come from higher vibrational realms, this disconnect with Earth’s lower frequencies can lead to physical symptoms like fatigue, chronic pain, and emotional overwhelm.
Scientific Support:
Studies in bioelectromagnetics, like the research by Dr. James Oschman, explore how the human body interacts with electromagnetic fields and how imbalances can affect our health. The concept of the body’s biofield, or energetic field, is gaining recognition in medical research for its role in both physical and emotional health.
Some critics argue that the evidence linking electromagnetic fields to health issues is still inconclusive or not widely accepted in mainstream medicine.
Let me ask you this: Remember when we questioned whether cell phones might cause cancer? For years, people dismissed concerns, yet now we have growing evidence that EMF exposure can impact our health in subtle but significant ways. We’ve seen how public opinion changes once science catches up.
And consider this: When you use a compass, it reacts to the Earth’s magnetic field. This is proof that electromagnetic fields exist and influence physical objects. Similarly, the body, made up of cells with electromagnetic properties, is affected by these fields, even if the impacts are not always immediately obvious.
While critics may call it inconclusive, the increasing recognition of the body’s biofield in medical research suggests that the connection between EMFs and health is something worth paying attention to.
The Earth emits a frequency called the Schumann Resonance, which typically vibrates at 7.83 Hz. Weather patterns can impact this level of vibration.
This frequency is often referred to as the “heartbeat” of the planet and has an impact on the human brain. Our brains operate within certain frequency ranges, like alpha (8-12 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) waves, which are linked to relaxation, creativity, and deep meditation.
For Wanderers, who come from higher-frequency realms, this lower-frequency environment can create a kind of mismatch. Their bodies are constantly trying to adjust, which can cause physical strain. This struggle to “sync” with the Earth’s slower energy can lead to fatigue, energy blockages, and even physical illness.
Scientific Arugment:
Research on the Schumann Resonance, such as studies by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, shows that Earth’s electromagnetic fields influence biological rhythms and can impact human health.
Now, of course, there are critics who argue that there isn’t enough evidence to support the idea that these energies affect us. But let me ask you two questions.
First, think about when we believed smoking didn’t cause cancer. For decades, the tobacco industry denied it, but over time, science revealed the truth. Consider that, unfortunately, it takes far too long for the truth to be common knowledge to the public.
Second, when you drop a pebble into the ocean, does it affect the ocean? It might not cause a massive wave, but it certainly creates ripples—small movements that can spread far beyond where the pebble landed.
Similarly, while the effects of Earth’s electromagnetic fields may not always be immediately visible, they undeniably influence our biological rhythms.
Also, studies on brain wave entrainment show that exposure to specific frequencies can alter brain function, we have plenty of studies to demonstrate this, further supporting the idea that Earth’s frequency impacts our mental and physical state.
The mind-body connection is something well understood in neuroscience. Our nervous system is highly responsive to everything around us, including energetic influences.
For Wanderers, being exposed to too much negative or chaotic energy can overwhelm the nervous system, leading to stress, anxiety, and physical issues like muscle tension, digestive problems, or chronic pain.
The vagus nerve, which helps regulate our body’s response to stress, plays a big role in this. When it’s overstimulated, it can trigger the “fight or flight” response—even when there’s no real danger. This can lead to long-term tension, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to both physical and emotional pain.
Scientific Support:
Studies, like Dr. Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory, show how the autonomic nervous system and the vagus nerve react to stress, including energy and emotional triggers. Research on trauma also reveals how constant exposure to stress or negative energy can contribute to physical health issues, like digestive problems, autoimmune conditions, and chronic pain.
Consider this: When you’re stressed or anxious, your heart rate increases, your breathing gets shallow, and your muscles tense up. These are direct physiological responses to your emotional state.
Now, imagine if these responses were amplified by external energies—emotions or environmental factors we can’t always see or measure easily. The more we learn, the clearer it becomes that energetic and emotional factors can significantly impact our physical well-being.
Quantum physics has long acknowledged that everything in the universe, including human beings, is made of energy and that energy vibrates at different frequencies.
At the quantum level, particles aren’t fixed (e.g. don’t stay in one place)—they exist as waves of energy that are always in motion. This idea shows that everything, including us, is constantly vibrating.
For Wanderers, who naturally have a higher energy frequency, this means their bodies are more tuned in to these subtle energies. While this can help them connect to deeper states of awareness, it also makes them more sensitive to disruptions in energy. Their bodies may react more strongly to the heavier, slower energies of the Earth, causing both physical and emotional responses.
Scientific Support:
Quantum physics, including the work of scientists like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, suggests that our bodies are closely connected to the energy fields around us. When these fields are disturbed, it can show up as physical or emotional health issues.
Research in epigenetics also shows how things like exposure to different frequencies or energies can affect our genes. This supports the idea that when our energy is out of balance, it can impact our biology in significant ways.
Critics argue that quantum physics is too abstract and theoretical to have real-world implications, especially when it comes to understanding how these concepts apply to the human body and health.
Let’s take the example of GPS technology. Decades ago, the concept of satellites using quantum principles to pinpoint locations seemed like science fiction. Yet today, we rely on it every day without question. Quantum physics is real and has practical applications that we can’t deny, even if they were once hard to grasp.
Now, consider this: Just as particles in quantum physics are constantly moving and interacting in ways that influence their environment, our bodies, at the subatomic level, are constantly interacting with energy fields around us. It’s this subtle exchange of energy that affects everything from our thoughts to our physical health. Just because it’s difficult to measure doesn’t mean it doesn’t impact us—it just means we need more time and study to fully understand it.
While the concepts of energy, vibrational frequencies, and psychic sensitivity may seem abstract or “out there,” they are increasingly supported by modern scientific research.
As we continue to explore the intersection between science and spirituality, it becomes clear that the body is not just a physical vessel, but an energetic one that is deeply affected by the world around it.
For Wanderers, this means that the physical symptoms they experience—from fatigue to pain to emotional overload—are not just figments of the imagination. They are a direct result of the energetic mismatch between their higher vibrational selves and the denser frequencies of Earth.
Understanding this connection can help you better navigate your own healing journey, and give you the tools to manage your sensitivity in a way that supports your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Journey of a Wanderer is dedicated to those seeking healing, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Here, Wanderers, Empaths, and sensitive souls find guidance, resources, and community support on their path toward inner transformation.
© Copyright Kristina Bentle 2024